Terms Of Business
Baby Bazaar is a unique indoor market for mums to sell quality, pre-loved baby, toddler and maternity items that are still in good condition. It is not a market for ‘trash and treasure’ but for mums to find reasonably priced, good quality second-hand toys, books, clothes, prams, highchairs and much more.
Items that CAN be sold
Quality pre-loved baby, toddler and maternity items only.
Items that CANNOT be sold
Anything unrelated to babies, toddler and pregnant mums or items that are in poor working condition or unsafe in any way.
Non pre-loved items
Baby Bazaar is primarily for mums to sell their pre-loved baby, toddler and maternity items. However, a limited number of stalls are available for small businesses (usually run by mums) selling new products or services related to babies, toddlers or pregnant mothers. If you have paid for a second-hand table and your items are not pre-loved you will be asked to remove them.
Business Tables
There are a number of business tables at every market day for mumpreneurs who would like to showcase a new baby or toddler product to the Baby Bazaar shoppers. These tables are within the same space as the second-hand sellers but not directly next to them. If you would like to sell a new item i.e. one that has is not second-hand then the price for a table (185cm x 80cm) is dhs 400. Please note that business sellers are NOT PERMITTED to sell used items on their business table (and vice versa).
Table safety
Stall sellers are responsible for the safety of their table and the area surrounding their table. Please ensure there are no items protruding into the aisles in front of your table so as to allow prams to pass by easily and to avoid any accidents (there will be children running around the market). A seller is permitted to bring or rent one hanging rail no longer than 1 metre long. This should be put to the side of your table or behind (not in front).
Be vigilant
“Three groups spend other people’s money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision”! Unfortunately markets attract thieves so please watch your items closely. If your table is disorganised (e.g. piles of clothes on the top of the table)or your items are spread out too far from your table you will not be able to properly monitor them. Stall owners with a lot of items should be extra vigilant. Baby Bazaar will not take responsibility for theft, loss or damage of any items displayed.
Clearing up
All unsold items should be taken home with the stall seller. Alternatively they can choose to donate any items they have not sold on the day to a charity affiliated with Baby Bazaar.